Many of us walk around with the unspoken assumption that leaders are born not made. 
(Oh, how we wish we believed that.)

Leadership isn’t a lottery.

Whatever your ability, our methodology will transform you into an effective leader. You’ll be surprised how many of your current management practices you will learn to turn upside down.

Discover your true potential now.


An indispensable guide for every leader regardless of experience level. Each chapter in the framework explains how to make better choices for yourself, your organization, and your people. It is a complete philosophy of leadership that deemphasizes power and control in favor of right thinking, right understanding, and the right people taking initiative to deliver results.
View List of Chapters
Chapter 1. Trust
Chapter 2. EQ vs. IQ
Chapter 3. Socrates vs. Confucius
Chapter 4. Commitment vs. Compliance
Chapter 5. Agreement vs. Expectation
Chapter 6. Willingness vs. Ability
Chapter 7. Acknowledge and Question vs. Defend and Explain
Chapter 8. Conversation vs. Confrontation
Chapter 9. What vs. Why
Chapter 10. Curiosity vs. Courtesy
Chapter 11. Leadership vs. Management
Chapter 12. Growth vs. Fixed
Chapter 13. Humble vs. Hubris
Chapter 14. Pivot vs. Persevere
Chapter 15. Brainstorming vs. Agenda
Chapter 16. Face it vs. Fake it
Chapter 17. Facts vs. Feelings
Chapter 18. Praise vs. Punishment
Chapter 19. Respond vs. React
Chapter 20. Reputation vs. Revenue
Chapter 21. Feedback vs. Criticism
Chapter 22. Renegotiated vs. Broken Promises
Chapter 23. Consensus vs. Compromise
Chapter 24. Reasons vs. Excuses
Chapter 25. Influence vs. Authority
Chapter 26. Hope vs. Wish
Chapter 27. Adapt vs. Avoid
Chapter 28. Values
Chapter 29. Beginning vs. Ending


Insights and practices for business leaders in industries including; engineering, medical, law, entertainment, retail, science, technology, education, and others. The skills necessary to make a difference do not require a title—only a shift in thinking, perspective, and behavior. Leave Your Mark is a book about leadership based on a lifetime of experience, study, and leading. It’s not what you are born with that matters. It’s about being willing to learn how to think in new ways. Let’s unleash possibilities already inside you and surprise the world.

View List of Chapters
Chapter 1. Leave Your Mark
Chapter 2. Can I Buy a Value?
Chapter 3. Walk the Walk
Chapter 4. What Comes After Sex?
Chapter 5. What Business Are You In?
Chapter 6. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Chapter 7. Got Trust?
Chapter 8. EQ: Genius has Its Limits
Chapter 9. Get Up! Get on Up! Get Up off of that Couch!
Chapter 10. How do You Like Me so Far?

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”



Q+A in about 60 SECONDS

What Do I Do If I'm Burnt out On Leadership?

I lead a diverse team. How Do I Coach?

What if someone doesn't share my values? What should I do?

How do I Manage the Emotions of My Team?

I'm Hiring a New Team Lead. How Do I Know if They Have the EQ?

What Leadership Skills do you Find Valuable?



Congratulations, you’re a boss. Before you get the coffee mug, let’s retool your thinking so that what got you promoted doesn’t get you fired.

The Thinking, Behavior, and Skills of great Leaders
Conversation vs. Confrontation
Can we replace leadership with Communication?
Prioritizing Understanding



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